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Writer's pictureDai Hai

Transit astology via "Wariga" methodology harmonizes creative potentials.

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

Transit astrology is based on the study of the movement of the planets through the zodiac and their impact on our lives. This movement is known as a transit. Transits occur when a planet in the sky aligns with a planet or point in our natal chart.

In order to use transit astrology for harmonizing with nature and the energetic self, we must first have a good understanding of our own natal chart. This includes knowing the position of the planets in our chart, as well as any important aspects between them.

Once we have a good understanding of our natal chart, we can then begin to track the transits of the planets. This involves observing the current position of the planets in the sky and how they are interacting with the planets in our chart. One of the most important aspects of transit astrology is timing. Each transit has its own unique energy and impact, and it is important to be aware of when these transits are occurring in order to take advantage of their energies.

For example, if we know that a certain planet is in a favorable position in our chart, we may want to take advantage of this energy and focus our efforts on a particular area of our life. Similarly, if we know that a challenging transit is coming up, we can prepare ourselves for any potential difficulties and take steps to mitigate their impact. In addition to tracking the transits of the planets, we can also use other tools and techniques to support our energetic alignment with nature. These can include things like meditation, energy work, and other forms of spiritual practice. By combining the insights of transit astrology with these other techniques, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the natural world. This can help us live a more harmonious and balanced life, in greater alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe.

Overall, transit astrology is a powerful tool for understanding our place in the world and cultivating greater alignment with nature and the energetic self. By studying the movement of the planets and their impact on our lives, we can gain valuable insights and make more informed decisions about how to live a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

While there may not be a lot of scientific research on the connection between transit astrology and the arts, many artists have been known to incorporate astrological themes and symbolism into their work. This can be seen in everything from ancient mythology to contemporary. For example, the ancient Greeks associated the planet Venus with love, beauty, and art. The Roman goddess Venus was also associated with these themes, and many works of art from the Renaissance period feature depictions of Venus in various forms such as literature, music, and visual art.

Similarly, the astrological sign of Leo is associated with creativity, self-expression, and the arts. Many famous artists, such as Pablo Picasso and Frida Kahlo, were born under this sign and are known for their bold, expressive styles. More recently, contemporary artists such as Björk have incorporated astrological themes and symbolism into their work. In her 2011 album "Biophilia," for example, each song is associated with a different celestial body, and the album as a whole explores themes of science, nature, and spirituality. While there may not be a lot of scientific research on the connection between transit astrology and the arts, many artists throughout history have drawn inspiration from the movements of the planets and the rhythms of the universe. By studying the insights of transit astrology and exploring their own creative impulses, artists can tap into a deep well of inspiration and connect with the natural world in profound ways.

Additionally, some artists use transit astrology as a tool for creative self- discovery and personal growth. By examining their birth chart and the current transits of the planets, artists can gain insights into their own unique strengths, challenges, and creative potential. For example, an artist with a strong presence of the planet Neptune in their birth chart may have a natural talent for music, poetry, or visual art, as Neptune is associated with imagination, creativity, and transcendence. This artist may also find that during periods of strong Neptune transits, they experience a burst of creative inspiration and heightened intuition.

On the other hand, an artist with a strong presence of the planet Saturn in their birth chart may struggle with self- doubt and creative blocks, but may also have a deep sense of discipline and commitment to their craft. During periods of strong Saturn transits, this artist may find it helpful to focus on structure, organization, and goal-setting in order to overcome creative challenges and make progress in their work. Ultimately, the insights of transit astrology can be a valuable tool for artists looking to connect with the natural world and tap into their own creative potential. By exploring the rhythms of the universe and the movements of the planets, artists can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their work, and create art that is truly harmonized with the world around them.

While there may not be a great deal of scientific research on the use of astrology within the creative process, there are many anecdotal accounts of artists who have found astrology to be a valuable tool for inspiration, self-discovery, and personal growth. For example, the artist and writer Alejandro Jodorowsky is well-known for his interest in astrology and his use of the Tarot as a tool for creative inspiration. In his book "The Spiritual Journey of Alejandro Jodorowsky," he describes how he uses astrology to gain insight into his own creative impulses and to explore the relationship between the individual and the cosmos.

Similarly, the writer and astrologer Steven Forrest has written extensively about the connection between astrology and the creative process. In his book "The Inner Sky," he describes how the insights of astrology can be used to unlock the creative potential of the individual, and how the movements of the planets can be used to guide the creative process. There are also many contemporary artists who incorporate astrological themes and symbolism into their work, as I mentioned earlier. While these artists may not use astrology as a formal tool in their creative process, they are nevertheless inspired by the movements of the planets and the rhythms of the natural world.

While there may not be a great deal of scientific research on the use of astrology within the creative process, many artists throughout history have found it to be a valuable source of inspiration and insight. By exploring the insights of transit astrology and connecting with the natural world, artists can tap into a deep well of creativity and create works that are truly harmonized with the universe.

The “Wariga" is the name of the traditional Balinese calendar, which is a complex system that incorporates both lunar and solar cycles. The calendar is used for both religious and practical purposes in Bali and is an integral part of

daily life on the island. The Balinese calendar is based on a 210-day year, which is divided into 10 different weeks or "wuku." Each wuku is further divided into smaller units of time, such as days and hours, and is associated with specific deities and auspicious or inauspicious times for certain activities. For example, certain days may be considered favorable for building a house or planting crops, while others may be considered unlucky or dangerous.

In addition to the 210-day year, the Balinese calendar also includes a 30-day lunar month, which is based on the phases of the moon. This lunar month is divided into smaller units of time, such as "waxing" and "waning" days, and is also associated with specific deities and auspicious times for various

activities.The Balinese calendar is an important part of Balinese culture and is used to guide many aspects of daily life, including religious ceremonies, festivals, and agricultural practices. By following the rhythms of the natural world as represented by the calendar, the Balinese are able to maintain a close connection to the land and the spirits that inhabit it.

The Balinese calendar also plays a significant role in the arts, as many traditional Balinese art forms, such as dance, music, and puppetry, are closely tied to religious and ceremonial events. Balinese artists often incorporate astrological and cosmological themes into their works, using the calendar to determine the most auspicious times for performances and other creative endeavors. For example, the Balinese gamelan, an ensemble of traditional musical instruments, is often used in religious ceremonies and other important events. The music of the gamelan is said to be influenced by the rhythms of the lunar cycle, with certain pieces played at specific times of the month. Similarly, Balinese dance often features elaborate costumes and movements that are imbued with spiritual and astrological significance.

The Balinese calendar and its associated cosmology have also been the subject of scholarly research, with many anthropologists and other scholars studying the ways in which Balinese culture and spirituality are intertwined with the natural

world. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in traditional Balinese practices and an effort to preserve and promote these cultural traditions. Overall, the Balinese calendar and its associated astrology and cosmology are a rich and fascinating aspect of Balinese culture, one that has inspired countless artists and scholars over the years. By following the rhythms of the natural world and honoring the spirits that inhabit it, the Balinese have created a unique and vibrant culture that continues to thrive to this day.

In conclusion, astrology has played a significant role in many cultures and has inspired artists, scientists, and scholars throughout history. Transit astrology, in

particular, offers insights into the cyclical nature of the universe and the ways in which we can harmonize with it. By tracking the movements of the planets and other celestial bodies, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. We can use this knowledge to make more informed decisions, to plan important events, and to connect with the natural world in a more meaningful way. Whether we are artists seeking creative inspiration, scientists exploring the mysteries of the universe, or simply individuals looking to live a more fulfilling life, astrology can offer valuable insights and guidance. By embracing this ancient art and science, we can connect with the universe and find a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in our lives.

The Wariga is based on the Pawukon, a 210-day cycle that is unique to the Balinese calendar system. The Pawukon is a combination of two smaller cycles: a 10-day cycle known as the wuku and a 30-week cycle known

as the wewaran. The Pawukon system is a complex and sophisticated way of tracking time that incorporates many different astrological and cosmological factors, including the lunar cycle, the movements of the planets, and the positions of the stars.

The Wariga is a system of divination that is based on the Pawukon cycle. It is used to determine the most auspicious times for various activities, such as weddings,funerals, and other important events. The Wariga is also used to help individuals understand their own personal destiny and to make decisions about their lives based on the cycles and rhythms of the universe. The Balinese calendar system, including the Pawukon and the Wariga, is a testament to the richness and complexity of Balinese culture and spirituality. It reflects a deep understanding of the natural world and the ways in which we can harmonize with it to lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

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